Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Concert Pianist S Tips For Performing On Stage And In Life
'Put the chunks together and crabmeat salad recipe practise with a metronome. Can you do all measures at the same metronome pace? The easy ones you do well. The more challenging ones, you tend to slow down and that's how you know where you need to spend more time.
'Right before a concert, I don't usually eat very much, but I do eat a big lunch. I stoke up on chicken and salad. I love carbs. I try not to eat too much of them, but I have a lovely big pre-concert Mexican meal. I love the grease and fat and nachos. You burn two or three pounds up during a concert.' She laughs: 'Sadly, crispy noodle salad you put it back on.'
In fact, pistachio jello salad her tips for performance, practicestresstime management are identical: Focus your attention.
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