Monday, December 8, 2008

Senior Nutrition Menu

The nutrition program for persons age 60 and over is funded by the county Office for the Aging, state and layered salad federal grants, and taco salad shells contributions from participants. Meals are served Monday through Friday at the Ava Dorfman Senior Citizens Civic Center and the South Rome Senior Citizens Center, both in Rome; United Methodist Church, Vernon; United Methodist Church, Boonville, Noyes Manor Apartments, Sherrill; and Town Hall in Forestport.
It is essential to the success of the program that those who can afford to contribute do so. However, no one can be turned away because they do not contribute. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance.
Each diner receives an envelope into which a suggested voluntary contribution may be placed to pay for the $5 meal. A donation of $2 is suggested.
The menu for the week of Dec. 8-12:
Monday - Sliced meatloaf with gravy, whipped potatoes, buttered carrots, whole wheat bread, assorted pudding with topping.
Tuesday - Pork roast with gravy, scalloped potatoes, waxed beans, rye bread, citrus cup.
Wednesday - Cream of potato soup, crackers, egg salad, lettucetomato, pickled beets, hamburger roll, warm cranberry-apple crisp with topping.
Thursday - Hamburgers with onions, ketchup, home fries, cauliflower, whole wheat bread, sliced peaches.
Friday - Grilled chicken with gravy, Chantilly potatoes, broccoli, whole wheat bread, thai salad dressing apricots.
Diet substitutes are available with some mealsupon request. The menu is subject to change by the OFA.

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