First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, calories in chicken cesar salad 1421 Marin St., prawn salad recipe Corning will hold Chats with Pastor Bill at 1:30 p.m. Sunday and again Dec. 21.
The chats will continue the first and third Sunday's of each month and rice salad recipe everyone is invited. They will be held in the Fellowship Hall.
A pot luck Christmas dinner is set for 1 p.m. Dec. 21 following the 11 a.m. Worship Service. Ham will be provided. Please bring a hot dishsalad or dessert to share.
The next pot luck and board meeting will be Jan. 11.
This Sunday is the Second Sunday of Advent. Pastor Bill's message will be 'Preparing the way for Readiness.' Mk.1:1-8. The Advent wreath text is Lk. 1: 11-15.
Singercomposer RJ Streeter will provide special music for the service.
For more information call 824-2561.
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