Nutrition sites
Nutritious meals are offered each noon Monday through Friday on weeks with no holidays to anyone older than 60 who makes a reservation a day in advance, or by 8:30 a.m. for same day service.
Reservations may be made by calling 740-375-0202 between 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. for meals served at Community Action Center, 1183 Bellefontaine Ave. Menus are subject to change.
Transportation is available if requested when reservations are made. All meals are served with milk, coffee, bread and unsweetened fruit. The meals are subsidized, and voluntary donations are requested. Here is the menu for this week:
MONDAY- Country fried steak, cheesy potatoes, Lima beans, fresh orange, milk.
TUESDAY- Cabbage roll with marinara sauce, whipped potatoes, whole kernel corn, pineapple, cluster rolls, margarine, milk.
WEDNESDAY- Sausage and gravy, oven browned potatoes, tropical fruit, grape juice, graham crackers, milk. Chicken is an alternate choice.
THURSDAY- Ham and bean soup, cole slaw, sliced peaches, cranberry juice, corn muffin, animal crackers, pineapple upside down cake, milk. Turkey is an alternate choice.
FRIDAY- BBQ chicken breast, winter vegetable blend, red apple, orange juice, rice pilaf, potato roll, margarine, cherry angel food gelatin salad, milk.
VIP meals
As part of the VIP Program at Marion General Hospital, seniors 55 years and older may purchase well-balanced meals in the hospital cafeteria Mondays through Fridays. VIP customers receive the same pricing benefit as the MGH employees. All prices are as marked at the employee discounted rate and will be honored all day long. The dinner special price is $3.50 which includes tax for an entree and your choice of two side dishes. Hot coffee or hot tea are included. Desserts are an additional charge.
Reservations are not necessary.
The following are the menus for this week:
MONDAY- Country fried steak and gravy and choice of two sides: whipped potatoes, peas, pineapple chunks.
TUESDAY- Chile cheese burrito and toppings and citrus salad dressing choice of two sides: festive rice, roasted corn and red peppers, sliced peaches.
WEDNESDAY- Beef and noodles with choice of two sides: whipped potatoes, broccoli salad, applesauce.
THURSDAY- Ham and pistachio pudding salad bean soup with cornbread and choice of two sides: cole slaw, sliced peaches, banana pudding with bananas and vanilla wafers.
FRIDAY- BBQ chicken breast and broccoli salad with raisins and sunflower seeds choice of two sides: rice pilaf, broccolicauliflower, pear slices.
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