Sunday, December 7, 2008
West Pasco Happenings
Bingo: 5 p.m. Sunday. Elks Lodge 2284, 7201 Congress St., New Port Richey. (727) 849-5192.
Breakfast and flea market: All-you-can-eat breakfast includes beverages. Proceeds to Cotee River Lions Handicapped and Braille Trail Park. 8-11:30 a.m. Sunday. Lions Club - Cotee River, 8320 Plathe Road, New Port Richey. $4.(727) 863-6070.
Buffet breakfast and ham steak dinner: Men's Auxiliary. Eggs, french toast and oriental salad recipe beverages from 8 to 11 a.m. Ham steak dinner at 4 p.m. Sunday. VFW Post 10167, 4619 Bartelt Road, Holiday. $6 breakfast, $7.50 dinner. (727) 938-5977.
Family breakfast: Each breakfast cooked to order. 8-11 a.m. Sunday. VFW Post 7987 , 7445 Chester McKay Drive, New Port Richey. $2.50 and up. (727) 376-3502.
Historical Society open house: See the many holiday displays. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday. West Pasco Historical Society, 6431 Circle Blvd., New Port Richey. Free. (727) 849-1675.
Nature Coast Festival Singers: Christmas concert. 3 p.m. Sunday. First United Methodist Church, 8831 W Bradshaw Blvd., Homosassa. Free; donations to the Ayer Memorial Scholarships will be accepted. (352) 628-4083.
Rediscover The First Christmas: Visit a living recreation of the town of Bethlehem. See a traditional Jewish Home and waldorf chicken salad synagogue. Hear angelic hosts singing. Children can ride a chariot. Talk with Roman soldiers and much more. 6-8:30 p.m. Sunday - Monday. Hope United Methodist Church, 2200 Little Road, Trinity. Donation of non-perishable food items. (727) 372-4689.
Richey Concert Band: Holiday favorites. Favorite Hannukah songs. Special: March Ardennes commemorating the Battle of the Bulge. 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Center for the Arts at River Ridge, 11646 Town Center Road, New Port Richey. $2. (727) 842-7502 or 842-9177.
Salvation Army 'Angel Tree': Share with those less fortunate. You select a gift tag from tree then buys a present. Return the unwrapped gift to the Angel Tree volunteers. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday-Tuesday. Gulfview Square Mall, 9409 U.S. 19, Port Richey. (727) 848-3600.
Sanctioned duplicate bridge: Open group. 1 p.m. Sunday. Beacon Square Civic Association, 3741 Bradford Drive, Holiday. $5.(727) 849-3740.
Sunday dinner: Menu: roast beef or baked chicken. 12:15 p.m. Sunday. Polish-American Social Club, 7615 New Jersey Ave., Hudson. $11 members. $12 non-members. (727) 862-1520.
Monday activities: Cancelled: Tai Chi-B 8:45 a.m. Fee $2.
Cancelled: Tai Chi-A 9:45 a.m. Fee $2.
Gentle Exercise 11 a.m. Fee $1.
Bingo 1:30 p.m. 8:45 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday. CARES Senior Center, 4136 Barker Drive, Elfers. $1-$2.(727) 847-1290.
Ballroom dance classes: Instructor is Elinor L. Gregory with 30 years' experience. Various styles. 10 a.m.-noon Monday. Veterans Memorial Park Pasco, 14333 Hicks Road, Hudson. Each class is $7.(727) 861-3033.
Billiken meeting: 11:13 a.m. Monday. Niko's Restaurant, 6819 U.S. 19, New Port Richey. (727) 372-0528.
Bingo: 5:30 p.m. Monday. Elks Lodge 2284, 7201 Congress St., New Port Richey. (727) 846-8012.
Bingo: 11 a.m. Monday. Polish American Pulaski Club, 4616 Darlington Road, Holiday. (727) 934-0900.
Bingo: 6 p.m. Monday. American Legion Paradise Post 79, 5329 Legion Place, New Port Richey. (727) 842-8387.
Bingo: Auxiliary lunch at 11 a.m. 10:15 a.m. Monday. American Legion Paradise Post 79, 5329 Legion Place, New Port Richey. (727) 842-8387.
Bingo: 7 p.m. Monday. VFW Post 10167, 4619 Bartelt Road, Holiday. (727) 938-5977.
Bingo Monday: Doors open at 5 p.m. Non-smoking. Refreshments available. 6 p.m. Monday. South Buena Vista Park, 4212 Buena Vista Lane, Holiday. (727) 934-5130.
Card party and luncheon: Episcopal Women will be in the parish hall. Salad bar luncheon. Doors open at 10:30 a.m. Monday. St. Stephen Episcopal Church, 5326 Charles St., New Port Richey. $6 per person. (727) 376-5918 or 849-4330.
Coast Guard Flotilla 11-7: Auxiliary-sponsored event. Pot luck supper. Bring a dish. Open meeting. Call Billy Pfaff, commander, for information. 6:30 p.m. Monday. First Baptist Church of Hudson, 7009 Hudson Ave., Hudson. (727) 869-0784.
Fundraiser dinner dance: 5-9 p.m. Monday. Eagles Suncoast Aerie 3153, 5446 South Leisure Lane, New Port Richey. $7. (727) 847-1090.
Group ballroom dancing classes: Two classes: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Instructor is Elinor Gregory. 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday. Veterans Memorial Park, 14333 Hicks Road, Hudson. $7 per class.(727) 861-3033.
Haddash - film group: Movie: Marjorie Morningstar. 1 p.m. Monday. Pasco County Regency Park Library, 9701 Little Road, New Port Richey. Free. (727) 868-0113.
Holiday toy drive: 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday-Tuesday. Goodyear Tire Center 1945, 5038 U.S. 19, New Port Richey. (727) 849-7516.
Jazz dancing: Pat Griebel directs. Dances are choreographed. 2:30 p.m. Monday. Seven Springs Country Club, 3535 Trophy Blvd., New Port Richey. $3 per class. (727) 372-8057.
Monday activities: News - Views 9 a.m. Fee $3.
Tai Chi 11 a.m. Fee $3.
Exercise 11 a.m. Fee $3.
Beginners String Music Class 4 p.m. Fee $13. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday. CARES Musunuru Enrichment Center, 12417 Clock Tower Parkway, Hudson. $3-$13.(727) 863-6868.
National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association meeting: Call for information. Noon Monday. Royal Super Buffet, 9550 U.S. 19, Port Richey. (727) 372-7710.
Open activities: 9 a.m. Walking Hour. 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Open Gym. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday. Pasco County Holiday Park, 2830 Gulf Trace Blvd., Holiday. Free. (727) 942-7439.
The Mummers - String Band: Doors open at 4 p.m. Sandwich, donut and coffee at 6 p.m. 4 p.m. Monday. Aripeka Elks Lodge 2520, 9135 Denton Ave., Hudson. $3.(727) 255-9117.
Women's knitting group: Join the ladies in making chemo caps and chinese salad recipe premie caps for those in need. You can crotchet or knit. Come to learn. 10 a.m. Monday. United Church of Christ, 4826 Bartelt Road, Holiday. (727) 937-1520.
Tuesday activities: Elfers Quilters 8:30 a.m., no fee. Painting 9 a.m. Fee $2. Line dancing 12 p.m. Fee $2. Ballroom dancing 1:30 p.m. $5. Country Couples dance lessons, Fee $6. 8:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Tuesday. CARES Senior Center, 4136 Barker Drive, Elfers. $1-$6.(727) 847-1290.
Bingo: 5 p.m. Tuesday. Polish American Pulaski Club, 4616 Darlington Road, Holiday. (727) 934-0900.
Bingo: 7 p.m. Tuesday. VFW Post 7987 , 7445 Chester McKay Drive, New Port Richey. (727) 376-3502.
Bingo: 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. Forest Hills Civic Association, 1749 Harpoon Drive, Holiday. (727) 934-2616.
Bingo: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday. Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church, 5340 High St., New Port Richey. (727) 848-9400.
Blab Chrstimas gathering: Bring a gift or two for the Women's Shelter. RSVP to 6 p.m. Tuesday. Ceramic Studio Cafe, 2418 Merchant Ave., Odessa. (727) 376-2111.
Club Radio Net: Please join us on the club repeater, WA4GDN, 146.670 MHz. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Gulf Coast Amateur Radio Clubhouse, 6909 Tierra Verde Sr., Port Richey. (727) 848-7785.
Euchre group: 12:30 p.m. Tuesday. Eagles Aerie 3153, 5446 S Leisure Lane, New Port Richey. $3.(727) 849-1111.
Fundraiser Dinner Dance: Spaghetti and meat ball dinner. Music by Sharon at 4-5 p.m. Tuesday. VFW Post 10167, 4619 Bartelt Road, Holiday. $5.50.(727) 938-5977.
Holiday Gift Boutique: One-of-a-kind gifts. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday. West Pasco Art Guild, 6206 Jefferson St., New Port Richey. (727) 841-7732.
Open activities: 9 a.m. walking hour; 10 a.m. badminton; Noon-6:45 p.m. open gym; 7-9 p.m. open volleyball. 9 a.m. Tuesday. Pasco County Holiday Park, 2830 Gulf Trace Blvd., Holiday. (727) 942-7439.
Tuesday activities: Exercise 8 a.m.9 a.m. Woodcarving, 1 p.m. Social bridge, 1 p.m. Tuesday. CARES Musunuru Enrichment Center, 12417 Clock Tower Parkway, Hudson. Each activity $3.(727) 863-6868.
Tuesday at the Moose: Free game night, 3 p.m. Tuesday. Prize drawing at 7 p.m. Moose Lodge 1429, 1936 Abacus Road, Holiday. (727) 937-9030.
Unit 170 Railroad Retirees: National Association Retired - Veteran Railroad Employees meet. Speaker is U.S. Rep. Mike Bilirakis. 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. American Legion Paradise Post 79, 5329 Legion Place, New Port Richey. (727) 741-0667.
[Last modified: Dec 06, 2008 12:22 PM]
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