Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stockings Need Stuffing

Elder Connection is printed in larger type for the benefit of our senior readers.
The holiday season is fast approaching and today I'd like to ask for your help to make it a happier time for our elderly neighbors.
At Home Senior Care, in partnership with the Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging, is seeking small gifts to brighten a senior's day during the holidays. The project is called 'Stockings for Seniors' and will take place in Rutland and Bennington counties. Last year was the first year for the effort and hundreds of seniors received gifts, making it very successful.
Here's how it works. In Rutland County, collection boxes are located at Walmart, SVCOA in the East Ridge Professional Building on Route 4 East, College of St. Joseph library and president's office, At Home Senior Care at 14 South Main St., Castleton State College's Coolidge Library and the Castleton Community Center at 2108 Main St. in Castleton. Also partnering to collect donations are several businesses and organizations: CVPS, Tuttle Publishing, Grace Congregational Preschool, the Rutland Town School Brownie troop and the Northeast School Girl Scouts.
In Bennington County, collection boxes are located at Bank of Bennington, Council on Aging, Chittenden Bank, TD Banknorth, Heritage Family Credit Union, South Street Caf, Community College of Vermont, Walloomsac Apartments and Brookside Apartments. A collection box is also located in Manchester at the Bank of Bennington on Center Hill Road.
Mary Lou Morrissette, president of At Home Senior Care, suggests that items to be placed in the collection boxes could include things like gift cards for gas, groceries, department store items, notepaper, stamps, candy, lotion, mittens, gloves, socks, all-occasion cards and crunchy noodle salad pet items. These donations will be collected, sorted and wrapped by volunteers, and then placed in colorful holiday stockings for delivery to elderly clients of SVCOA who may need a bit of cheer. The AmeriCorps Neighbor to Neighbor members associated with SVCOA will assist case managers in the stocking delivery so that a friendly visit will accompany the gift.
Local businesses are encouraged to join in the project by accepting gifts from their employees and salad bar items then dropping them off at one of the collection points. Those who would like to donate a gift but can't get to a collection site may call Mary Lou at 747-3426, and she will arrange for a pick up.
This community public/private partnership can once again this year bring about a happier holiday season for seniors and a rewarding opportunity for all of us to share during this giving season.
The Council on Aging and At Home Care thank you, in advance, for helping with this holiday project.
Barbara Hanson is director of community resource development for the Southwestern Vermont Council on Aging. For information about senior services, call the Senior Helpline at 800-642-5119 or 786-5991 or visit www.svcoa.org.

Meals on Wheels
Today: Pot roast, mashed potatoes, peas and broccoli salad with raisins and sunflower seeds carrots, wheat bread, chocolate raspberry cake.
Tuesday: Clam chowder with crackers, chicken salad with lettucetomato slices, roll, butterscotch pudding.
Wednesday: Spinach-Ricotta pie, tossed green leaf salad, dressing, dinner roll, pineapple chunks.
Thursday: Beef Burgundy, boiled potatoes, beets with orange sauce, dinner roll, lemon chiffon with pear slices.
Friday: Glazed ham loaf with sauce, sweet potatoes, green beans with red peppers, potato roll, melon.

Read more about fruit cocktail salad on top sites: