Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Home For The Holidays Overrated?

Lindsey Kim, a Roy senior, believes that Christmas is about family being together as a whole.
Holiday homes
Family holiday parties are usually held at the home of a grandparent, or an aunt or uncle. The date of the party is flexible but most center around Christmas Eve and the holiday itself.
Often, teens say their home hosts the parties, like Christopher Morrel, a Davis sophomore, or Law, who says, It's just nice to have the whole family in one spot.
Matthew Swanson, a Davis High sophomore, says his family holds their party at a scout building in Tooele, a bit like Fremont High junior, Millie Littlefield's family, who usually has its gathering at a church.
Every family member is looked forward to being seen, from Grandpa or Grandma to your awesome aunt or similar-in-age cousin.
Now all these people will eventually get hungry, so food is a must. And teenagers often lend a hand in food preparation, which was the most commonly assigned chore of those interviewed.
Ho! Ho! Hams!
But the best part is actually eating the food.
Clearfield High senior Rae Gillette says that her family has a potluck; People bring their favorite recipes.
A big Christmas ham is a favorite for Brandley, as well as for Ogden senior Olivia Newman, whose family always has ham along with pomegranate salad and grape punch.
Tyler Packard, a Roy senior, says his favorite holiday party food is pie, which is -- I just drool thinking about it.
Most teens say that their dinners are pretty big, but most don't do it in quite the same way as Kim's family: We do it the Filipino way -- we stay up until midnight, have a feast, and then open presents.
Of course, with all these people together, funny things are bound to happen -- memories will be made.
Uncles seem to be great for this, with Brandley's uncle doing the chicken dance and Newman's yodeling -- it sounded horrendous!
But the Greatest Uncle award goes to the brother of Fuller's grandmother, who got a tree early: When it came time to light the tree, it lit on fire, so they had to throw it out the window, the Ogden senior recalled.
Making memories
However, uncles don't have a monopoly on funny. Littlefield says that her cousin has a tendency to flip four-wheelers on a constant basis. I think last time she broke the gas tank! I'm pretty sure she's the only one in the world who could do that!
A few years back we made marshmallow guns out of PVC, and danelectro chicken salad there were like 70 people shooting marshmallows at each other, Packard recalls.
So whether eating, talking, laughing or gaffing, it seems that Utah teens value their family and mandarin orange jello salad the holiday parties held with them, the memories made therein.
As Packard puts it: We're all there, and they love me.
TX. correspondents Dallin Abendroth, Davis High; Diana Brown, Ogden High; Jessica Fox, Clearfield High, and fruit cocktail salad Megan Leonardi, Fremont High, contributed to this story.

Lindsey Larson is a junior at Roy High School. She enjoys reading, writing, Broadwaywatching movies. E-mail her at chocolate.anonymous.19hotmail.com.

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