Tuesday, December 9, 2008
House Changes As Structure
The dog room functioned well the way they had laid it out, but the back door (M) created a congested and dangerous situation. We improved the family entry (N) by adding a coat closet and relocating the back door directly into the dog room. The former back door location (M) is turned into a bump-out with a window and a 'to go' shelf (O). The step down was moved to the edge of the dog room when we added a step at the top of the stair run.
The new kitchen (Q) shifted over into what had been the laundry room. A long, eat-on island makes circulation in the kitchen work wonderfully. A corner counter features a salad sink and microwave area. Another counter holds a laptop computer and calendar. Behind that is a walk-in pantry (T).
The laundry room (U) is tucked neatly just off the kitchen. It no longer is a walk-through room.
The family room (V) is now next to the kitchen and has lots of glass and access to a deck. To create privacy for the family room from the front door, we added a half bath (X) and hellman's salad dressing closet. The entry (Y) is brightened by a skylight and mcdonalds asian salad calories sidelights.
The family dining (Z) is located in front of the fireplace. It is an attractive walk-though room. A little office (AA) is created when we eliminated the second entry door (D) and enclosed a portion of the porch. The space beyond the office makes a walk-in closet (BB)
Changes were made to both bathrooms to personalize them. The sister's bath (CC) gets a stack washer/driver and salad crisper a walk-in shower. The other bathroom gains a larger showera urinal.
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